Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Music Video of the Month

Hello all. This is a fantastic music video, kinda creepy, but a great song.

Goldfrapp - "Number 1"

Purpetuating the Stereotype

Let me just start by saying this is my first official rant via blog.

As all or many of you know, we (David, Mike, Parker (the dog) and me) moved to a new place in Cortez Hill. Everything is lovely, thank you for asking--couldn't ask for better. Well, I applied for my new parking permit for the Cortez Hill area, and when I was on the phone with the DMV they mentioned that my registration has been suspended. What!? They mentioned that they sent out a letter a couple months ago stating that they needed to have documentation of financial responsibility (aka: a copy of my insurance card). I had already taken care of this months ago shortly after the letter arrived and I guess it wasn't resolved on their end. They gave me some other phone number to call, called said number, spoke to the entire phone tree until they got someone who could help me. And once I got them on the phone, they were like, "Oh yeah, the last person forgot to, like, click the 'finalize' button and process the whatever. It should clear in 48-hours." Stupid--but lovely. Okay...

Called the DMV 2-days later, still didn't clear and the DMV was like, "oh no, it takes 5-days to clear." Okay. Thanks. Called again the next week--nothing. Called the day after--nothing. Called the day ofter that--NOTHING. I'm pissed. I've been taking copious notes of my conversations with everyone I've had--I'm writing names, numbers, dates, times, anything I can. I have two pages of notes listing this whole dilemma out. Why, you may ask? Protection. I have it in my car with me for now if I should get pulled over or whatever I will be able to use those notes to possible persuade the police officer.

ANYWAY, the entire point of all this back-story is so you can get an understanding of the California DMV. I have never been one to bitch about the DMV or government agencies of the like. I know they are a necessary evil and I feel badly for the people that work at those jobs. However, the California DMV is beyond a "necessary" evil and just plain evil. They jerk you around, they don't give a shit about you as a "customer," and frankly they just chap my ass. I fart in their general direction. Shitheads.