Thursday, March 1, 2007

Off With Their Heads!

Today was a day that shook the walls of my office; today three people were laid off. That may not be a big deal to all of you, my faithful readers, but to me that's 3 less familiar faces I have at work every day. I loved these people professionally and personally and only wish good things for them.

One was an accountant: she has been with the company for 9 years or something like that, has a 1 year old (or 2--same thing), and really is sweet. But I saw that coming; they are "centralizing" our accounting so it all comes from one office. She was to be expected.

Another blind-sided me: she was a sales person and just finished a $1 million (or 2--same thing) program and then, comes back to the office with a pink slip on her chair. That sucks!

The third was completely out of the blue: she was a sales assistant to our VP of West Coast Sales. She didn't deserve it at all--she's talented, she's energetic, NEVER complained a bit about anything, loves the industry (well, okay likes) and is just a great, great person. She should have never been cut.

So get this though--One quit yesterday and another is in the process of quitting and yet another had her last day last Friday. Add my GM who resigned in January that's 7 people out the door in 60-days. Holy (insert garage word here)!!

Why so shaken, Stevie-hates-bacon? If anyone else is going to get canned next--it's me. No, no, don't say it "You could lose your job at any time. You could get in a car crash or wake up in a coma (which actually that's like saying 'you'd fall asleep alert')." Whatever, anyway, if there is any more fat to be cut from the money pig, it would be me. I was close to the bottom of the pole and now I AM the bottom of the pole. I'm not going to let it get to me though. There's plenty of fish in the barrel to shoot (is what it seems like, okay). It's fine. I'm fine...

But lord knows I'm gonna start lookin'--just in case. I'd rather have an ace up my sleeve than leave the table with no chips. You got it? Damn right you do. Signing out and sorry again it took me so long to get another post up. Bite.


  1. Send me your resume - i'll get you an interview for flight attendant!! YAY!! You would be perfect!! And you can wear shorts to work!! You are now free to move about the country.

  2. while you're at it, can you find me a new job too. that'd be great. thanks! oh yeah, try to find some modeling work for Fuzz out here in SD. she'd be so much fun to have around.

  3. Ouchy Ouchy ~ my heart hurts for those laid off. I hope they find a better job soon. Just remember to follow your heart. ~
    "Think with your heart, feel with your mind and love conquers all". Big cyber hugs :-)

  4. And the lord said to Jesephine "Doith no fret upon the troubles of the past but lookith forward to the bright and joyus realm of the future...but not too far...maybe just a year or two...any further and you may pop a hemroid" and the people rejoyced and proclaimed that very day to be groundhogs day.

    I thought you would like this passage...Jesephine 4.20

    You are the most tallented person I know and know that you will always end up on top

    love ya

  5. These are some awesome comments. sweet. Allan: I'd love to wear a skirt and a broche to work--ooh gosh. Boyee: Fuzz has got what it takes. I heart her. Rae (Mom): Big cyber hugs right back to you. Colt: Thank you for that inspiring passage. you really summed it all up with that.

  6. You're WAY too valuable to can, dahling.

    There's always a place for you here with me as a poo specialist. ;-)

  7. sounds like you works for a shitty company.
